Friday, July 30, 2010

Now Working Towards SB1070.1

Holy Cheese Fries! Mmmm that sounds good... I found out yesterday that we get free stuff for giving blood. They give you a number of points each time and you can go to their store to order stuff. I just ordered a pair of movie tickets for me and Billy, I mean Rach *cough* ... Totally Rad!

On a crappy note! I heard yesterday that our immigration bill (SB1070) got neutered by a one Judge, Susan Bolton.  She took out very necessary things that we need to control Mexico's take over of AZ! She might as well have said, policy over law, that we think it may interfere with the priorities of the Obama administration. Can you say legislating from the bench!? Doesn't lady justice wear a blindfold for a reason??? What was taken out you ask?
  • The requirement that officers check a person’s immigration status during a lawful stop
  • Arrest them if they suspect they are illegal immigrants
  • The requirement that immigrants carry their papers at all times

I don't know how many exactly, but a lot of people were leaving AZ for LA or Mexico due to this bill passing. I thought it unfortunate... I mean nobody should have to pick up and leave home due to a new law passing. But one can only wonder what else they were expecting... can't stowaway forever right? I guess we now know why LA was boycotting AZ and didn't like the bill. They don't want more illegal aliens coming their way! And what's with all the aggressive protesting yesterday!? It really scared me to hear that the Sheriffs deputies couldn't handle the protesters and had to retreat back to their building.
Last thing I'm going to say about this is that all the money that's going into fighting over this bill could really be going into the pockets of needy citizens - for both gov's fed and state.
I wonder if she's going to go to ASU? Not unless she pays for it! ;-)

My wife sent me this pic with the caption:
I love you daddy.

That peach looks good...

I started working out again on Wed! Totally Awesome! I feel so buff right now! Like I'm going to grow into Hulk and get all green from the intense nitric oxide flowing through my blood. That's not possible though, because we all know it was a gamma bomb that turned Dr. Bruce Banner into The Hulk. Actually, I really feel very week and sore! Like my boobs and triceps are going to fall off!

I'll leave you with a quote from Charlie from 2.5 men - "Alan, there's something you should know about me. When I say "I understand", it doesn't mean I agree, it doesn't mean I understand, it doesn't even mean I'm listening."

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bitter Sweet Week

It's been a little while... And for good reason people! My life has been so busy and awesome, I knew this blog couldn't handle it!

We visited my parents in Alb. NM over the last weekend which was tons of fun! The drive there was kind of crazy with some intense storms, but due to my complete awesomeness we made it. The parents put us up at a hotel with a built in water park! Good thing too because it rained or sprinkled everyday it seemed like. Going to the water park...

The Zoo...

The Natural History museum...

And we had the grandparents watch the kids so we could go out. I can't find any blasted pics of the kids playing at the grandparents house!
I tried to meet up with Keith while in Alb. but he decided to move to Las Cruces which is too far to drive on such short notice. We'll meet again... someday... On the way home from Alb. we stopped in Payson for a while to soak up as much of the 80 degree weather as we could and also to try and prolong our vacation. We ate at a good BBQ and grill place where the kids had grilled cheese's and peaches. Lacie and Oz ate like cows but Sean wasn't too interested. I think because he knew we were getting ice-cream afterwards. I hate mind readers. Right next store was Scoops. An ice-cream shop where we visited last summer and liked it, so we were glad to be able to visit again and enjoy the creamy goodness that is ice again. Sean almost ate all his but Oz and Lacie didn't want any of theirs. So along with my bowl I shoved their bowls into my mouth too. It's been a long time since I've had that much ice-cream and felt the way I did. Looking back I'd probably do it again which is really the sad part.

There was a very unfortunate event the Tues night before last... we found out from Ali that Ricky Partain had died. I walked into the bedroom after driving home from work to find Rach in tears. I immediately thought the worst. However, nothing could have prepared me for news this bad. I knew Rick for 9 years, since I started going to Trinity Baptist. He was a big influence in my life and helped me with many things. He was always joking and having so much fun with everyone. I mean, he taught me how to catch a fart in my hand and throw it! I wanted to start playing golf, but didn't have any clubs so he gave me my first clubs. They were really old, but nonetheless he was more than willing to give them to me. He knew I stunk at the game, but invited me to play anyway with him Sat mornings. I could go on and on... Say hi to Jesus for me Rick! I'll always miss you!

Monday, July 12, 2010


I am sooooooooooooooo sore!!!! My boobies are starting to freak out! My triceps are only allowing me to type and my lats are getting worse! I’m in trouble! I think I pushed myself wayyyy too hard! This’ll be me in no time though right?

I think it’s hilarious how photo shopped the head looks.

No, I'm not gay. This is my wife of whom I'm very in love with!
Sorry, just felt compelled to offset the picture above. Oh and I'm way better looking in real life than what you see here.
Sean said, "Look Daddy look, I'm shaking my butt!" as he points to it. hahahahahaha
I watched him turn his back to me and attempt to shake it when really his entire body was shaking all weird.
Austin was watching Mickey Mouse and whenever Mickey asked if he could help him do something Austin would say no. Ornery little kid! I guess he's preparing to "just say no".
Lacie is really into hitting and throwing her attitude all around when she doesn't want to do something.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

McDonald's Has Ring Worm!

Grossssss! We are pretty sure our daughter contracted the ring worm at McDonald's! Clean your play gyms Mc E D's! Geeeez!

Looks like someone took a big bite but she has another on her calf, that looks more connected all the way around.

At least they had fun eating and playing. I hope they don't need medication or feel uncomfortable from it. Sean was at school so Oz and Lacie got some good one on one time with Mommy and some special treats!

So we lost one of our star players to NY, so what! Who needs Amare Stoudemire anyway, right... ?  :'-|  I haven't heard or read what's going on with the Suns with respect to who else we might be picking up.

I guess the running of the bulls happened today and a few dudes got really messed up! I think it would be a rush, but even with my stealth like movements, it's still a death wish.

By Monday afternoon last weekend Rach and I were done! Don't get me wrong, it was an awesome weekend, we were just ready to have some alone time together. So we got a sitter and ate at My Big Fat Greek Restaurant and watched Grown Ups. It was a funny movie, but like every Adam Sandler movie it had it's moments where scenes weren't that funny and you just look at each other like, huh???

Work is getting more stressful. I definitely got 10 new gray hairs just from this morning. I hope the kids are nice to me tonight...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Children, Stay Away from the Vodka!

I knifed four scorpions last night! I must admit some were not a quick death but only because they made me kill them in an awkward position next to a bush on the wall. I hope next time they learn their lesson and start hanging out in the open on the ground.

Would you drink this? On the bottle in the fine print below it says, "Scorpion imparts a smoothness in Vodka." That's ridiculous! Scorpions are so rough and not smooth!

The fam is planning on going to the Children's Museum tonight. It'll be Sean and Rach's second time and the rest, our first time. I hope it's not lame! haha. No, it sounds like fun, so we'll have a blast!

Rach has some fun pictures of the kids for their 2nd B-day on her Facebook page if you haven't already seen them.

I guess Google is trying to be an ISP (Internet Service Provider) now. At least that's what the video was saying that I was watching. I watched it yesterday so I can't give you anything more, my cache has been wiped... sorry.

It's fourth of July weekend - BBQ it UP and watch the fireworks fly!
I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.” -- Lee Greenwood

And for those that are not celebrating:
"The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned." --- William Somerset Maugham

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Holy Cow!

A critter explosion the news said!!! Bugs everywhere! I meant to go scorpion hunting last night but forgot so now I know my destiny. I must go out tonight and become the scorpions arch enemy! The Spider! I won't be able to fling web or inject an acid type substance to break down your innards, but I will creep and crawl and smash your brains in!

Look at this kid... looking at it like Holy Cow! That thing is big!

I really would like to know what's going through Austin's head.

I was trying to sleep this morning when Sean came in at 5:00 or so with his cake toy that my parents gave Austin and Lacie for their B-day. The cake tower is basically like the blocks you stack up one on top of the other to make a tower, except that the cake pieces are made of this hard plastic and can get loud. Especially when it's 5:30 in the morning and all you want to do is sleep! I must've told him to be quiet over 10 times! I told him to leave and play with it in the living room. Big mistake! He was making more noise out there so I had to get out of bed and tell him to be quiet otherwise he would've woken up Oz and Lacie. I wanted to say some very choice words at that moment but my better parent in me told me to expel it later in a different way... Well, he came back in to my room with the cake tower and so I took it and put it next to me saying now you can't have it at all. I know, hurtful and probably not necessary, but I was too frustrated/tired to think straight. So now I had a kid on the verge of tears and all he could think about was getting his cake back.  He inched closer and closer to it saying over and over, "It's my cake okay? My cake back please". At this point my alarm went off, which was unnecessary by now and so I gave up, gave it back, and got up.

I've been playing tennis a lot more, but think I've injured my shoulder. I'm hoping it'll work itself out as I play on and strengthen the muscles used to play.