Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Poor Brothers Eat Yellow Popcorn While at the Gym

I'm eating Poor Brothers Jalapeno chips right now that I bought from the gas station, and they DO NOT taste like what I'm used to! I think the gas station I go to for snacks gets the reject Poor Brother chips. I wish there was a way for me to grab a chip and not get my hands all greasy. That stuff gets all over the keyboard and mouse! I wonder if I accumulate enough grease on the keyboard and mouse if I'll want to lick it.

I'm such an idiot when it comes to popcorn. I grew up with my Mom and Dad making popcorn the old school way in the popcorn maker while melting the butter on top. So you can tell which piece of popcorn is going to be good if it's yellow with butter. So now whenever I see yellow popcorn I think yummy... but I bite into it and I don't taste any butter! Whaaa! So I keep eating you know, hoping that I'm wrong and I'll get a nice bite, but it never happens! I wish there wasn't yellow popcorn unless it had a bunch of butter on it!

I was at the gym this morning and besides almost fainting twice after doing some squats I noticed something... There was a guy who put an extra 10lb plates on a machine that already had a 25 and 10lb plate on it. He did his workout and when finished he only put away the plates he put on - leaving the other plates on that were already there. What?!?! That's the problem with people today. Everybody does only the bare necessity and doesn't want to do anything extra! I know your thinking why should he clean up somebody elses mess? Sometimes in life to make things right you have to pickup the slack where others have either forgot or decided it wasn't worth it.

It was so cute when I got home from work yesterday. I'm approaching the garage door to the house and out pops Sean, "Daddy?! Oh I missed you! I'm so glad you're home!" How's that for a welcome home?! It gets better... I turn the corner to get in the house and Oz and Lacie start screaming daddy and hugging my legs. I swear, they get any bigger and I'll need to take a defensive stance so they don't knock me over.