Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yummy in my Tummy!

McDonald's anyone??? The kids had fun this morning enjoying some pancakes with mommy.

So we had some friends over for dinner last night and we were telling some stories about how disgusting we can be. A story happened to pop up in Rach's head about me and my toe nails...
Unfortunately, I'm out of time so I'll continue this tomorrow.

Hope everyone has enjoyed this beautiful day God gave us!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rock Climbing Kids Eat Hot Wings Despite Anal Leakage

For all of you who read my blog, I apologize for disappointing you with my lack of posts for the past two months. I've either been too busy, lazy, or too malnourished to move my fingers - which usually isn't the case. A lot has happened these past two months that need addressing. But first I'd like to record some things that the kids have been saying/doing so I don't forget.

Go to your room! - Mom & Dad
No! I'm sad. - Lacie and Oz
No! I'm frustrated - Sean

Putting them in their car seat and they are telling us they want to buckle their seat belt themselves.
My seat, my seat - Lacie
I uckle up, I uckle up - Oz

I was playing my guitar belting out my vocals and I look over at Sean in the bath with a big smile on. I stop playing and he says...
That's really nice Dad - Sean
You really like my music? - Dad
Yeah, it's nice - Sean

Can you ask nicely please? - Dad & Mom
drink peesh - Lacie
may have drink please - Oz

Whenever I do something fun with one, the others comes running saying, "my turn, my turn, my turn" A couple nights ago Greg showed me a fun move that he does with Lauren called, body slam! I've only done it with Sean. I don't think Oz and Lace would like it very much right now. Anyway, for a body slam, you hold the child above your head over a couch, yell real loud, BODY SLAM, and letting them go for a nice little free fall.

We've been going through the books of the Bible with Sean and he's up to Ezra/Nehemiah. After 1st and 2nd Corinthians I have to prompt him for Ezra by saying, "And don't forget...", then he says Johnathan instead of Nehemiah. :-) Pretty funny. Oh and he doesn't say, "1st" for all the 1st and 2nd books like Samuel, Kings, and Corinthians. Trying to work on that.

We've been potty training Oz for the past few weeks and have had some recent successes with going number 2 in the potty. Yay! I can't wait to stop wiping butt! We are waiting a couple more months to start with Lacie. She doesn't go in the potty at all right now.

I can't think of anymore kids stuff right now. I'll try and remember for later posts.

We watched The Burbs with Eric and Katie from across the street. I started to fall asleep about half way through. It wasn't as funny as I had remembered, but Rach liked it. Katie fell asleep and I think Eric was distracted with his studying for his tests he's been doing. It was still fun watching a movie about neighbors with your neighbors.

This is why I'm glad I go climbing on fake rocks. 

I went rock climbing with Chris (co-worker) this past weekend. It was a lot of fun going with someone as competitive and strong. We found a wall that we could free climb and was so challenging that neither of us were having any luck. Well, I was determined and went for a rock with my foot that was at waist level and ended up ripping my shorts right at the crotch! It's okay though, I made it to the top and I've had the shorts for over 5 years. So I'm okay with it. There was one wall where it had an overhang and pretty much made our legs useless forcing us to hang from one rock to the next. We felt like real rock climbers in that moment... and that's all that matters!

Following the climbing Chris took me to a local place where I ate the hottest wings of my entire life. I think they were as hot or hotter than Native New Yorker's suicide wings. I felt like I was hyperventilating after 3! It didn't matter! With my awesome mental skillz I pushed through the pain like every person learning to ride a unicycle and ate the rest of them as quickly as I possibly could. The pain eventually subsided, at least for a few hours. Then my intestines hated me for the next 18 hours. Needless to say, I'll never be doing that again.

Rachael's involved with another friends business in that she's doing a giveaway for her cookies. Rach said she loves doing giveaways. I'm really glad she's found something she loves to do.

"We love him because he first loved us." - 1John 4:9-10