Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Jan Brewer Supports the Term "Braceface"

What the!? This is wild!
Think of all the benefits of getting things done twice as fast. I don't think I'd give them a license though. That's just two dangerous... or too dangerous, and they'd need two airbags. So many questions and things unanswered with something so rare! Like, I wonder what would happen if one had something happen to her head and died? Would half the body just go limp? If the stomach throws up, who gets to enjoy that? Who wipes? If I were a reporter these are the questions I'd be asking...

What is this about other foreign countries getting in on what laws are passed around here?
I think they need to mind their own business! Why does Obama want to make U.S. law subordinate to international law? Seems ridiculous to me.

We watched the storm hit us pretty hard yesterday. I was listening to the news and they said power lines went down and there were a lot of broken windows everywhere. Today the storm is slamming the northern part of the state and there's even a tornado warning. Pshhhh tornado... in AZ? Crazy? Must be global warming! I asked my co-worker yesterday why he drove his bike to work because he's going to get all wet on his way home. He laughed at me and and wanted to bet me that by the time he left for work the rain would be done. :-) Let's just say I would've won that bet. He had to call a friend to pick him up haha.

I totally forgot to include in my previous posts that Rach is getting braces! She has the spacers in right now making way for the metal that'll be invading her mouth soon. After having the spacers for a week and half she is still having trouble eating everything. Braceface for at least two years! Crazy to picture! I better get my kisses in now before she doesn't want anything to do with that because of the pain.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Park Fun

We had a huge mega storm today at work it was crazy! The power was flickering in and out and I thought I was going to get to go home early... Oh well, maybe next time!

Some pictures that Rach sent me today from when they went to the park...
Mommy pushes me because I love to swing!

Yummy lunch! Everybody loves mom's pasta salad!

Another picture mom?

Rach and I are going to go play some racquetball today when I get home from work. I'm going to make her a pro for sure! Racquetball is always fun no matter who you play with. The kids have been very good lately being dropped off to play in the gym's play area. We are very happy about this! We often wonder what would happen if we dropped them off at the gym and went to see a movie. We would never, it's tempting though because it's free babysitting.

Julie should be moving into her new house soon. I forgot which Sat. exactly so she better call me so I don't make other plans...

I think I'll stop here because my IE is bugging the crap out of me! I can't concentrate the way it's treating me today. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ouch! He stung me!

Hopefully we get some good storms here in sunny AZ! I thought the storms Sat evening was going to bring some cooler air in, but I guess not! It's been way too hot here for way too long!

Billy and Teanne had their son, Jaren Andrew Fenter last Thursday. Rach and I brought some dinner for them and visited. He reminded me of Austin when he was a new born with so much black hair. He was 6.5lbs and 21" long. Healthy baby. They have their hands full now with 4 kids!

One night I finished putting the kids down for bed by myself because Rach was out and Lacie kept yelling something over and over. I couldn't make out what it was. Lacie did it again the next night. I told Rach that she's been doing that now and not to worry, she'll stop. Rach listened, and laughed. She told me it was her singing the latest song she learned, "I'm squishing up my baby bumblebee...". The last part of the song is, "Ouch! He stung me!" So she was yelling out really loud, "Ouch! He stung me!" over and over and over... It really is pretty comical to listen to.

That's a lot of babies!

Rachael and I found 5 scorpions around our house last night! They are surrounding us! She spotted one in our garage after getting out of the van. I don't know how she spotted it because it blended in so well. I kept losing it standing 4 ft from it. It was a baby, so I'm glad we killed it. We found 3 more in their favorite corner. Their nest! I knew I wouldn't be able to kill more than one before the others got away so Rach and decided to spray them with Raid. They scurried off into their nest before I could see if they died or not. Maybe the others will get infected too. Maybe it'll be like bringing back a nasty plague killing off the entire deal! We found the last one under our citrus tree outside Oz's window. It was an adult for sure! Very big! Unfortunately, I missed it with my knife and it ran away! I'm beating myself up over that one because it's those big ones that make the babies.

So to continue about the disgusting story that I left so cleverly hanging from my previous post...
I have what you might call a bit of a toe picking problem. I sit watching tv as I pick at my toe nails. I never think ahead as I do this otherwise I'd put the trash by me, so I end up mostly making little piles of them on the floor or coffee table. Sometimes I get in a jam with mostly my second toe nail from the littlest and it starts going into the quick, or it's too deep into the cuticles that my fingers can't grip it anymore. I'm too lazy to get clippers (obviously! Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten into the predicament in the first place) so I go in after it with my teeth. I know, I know! You're thinking how gross! It doesn't happen often, geesh! This however is not the grossest part. One sunny afternoon in AZ (I'm guessing it was sunny because it's always freakin' hot and sunny here) I had picked and picked and accumulated a nice pile on our side table. I forgot all about it and had my back turned from it while I was talking to Rach. I can't remember the conversation, but I'm sure it was a good one to distract me from my nail stash. Anyway, we heard this choking and gaging behind me! I turned around to see Sean trying to eat my toe nails!!! LOL! I couldn't believe it! The poor kid. I think it was a good lesson. I haven't seen him eating any toe nails since...

My buddy at work just got finished telling me about his experience playing some co-ed kickball. It sounds like so much fun! I totally want to do that! I'd kick the rubber right off that ball! Wait...