Thursday, January 23, 2014

Temple running with a belly of Filiberto's

It's a race! Ahhh, the thrill of competition on display in full manifest! Where you put all that you've worked so hard for on the line for all to see. Rachael's got her first race of her entire life this Sat! Yay Rach! It's a 5k color run. I'm really proud of you for sticking with the training. Here's to hoping you don't go blind or inhale too much of that color crap!
I can't see you, where did you go! Where's my gas mask?!
I went to Filifarto's Filiberto's yesterday. I do my best to try something new. I shared the carnitas tacos and carnitas totstada with Rach. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Don't know if I'll get it again. I will tell you this though! It was the second time I've left that place with a ripped up gut! I'm not talking look at me I've got ripped abs super sexy; I'm talking about doubling over in pain because Filiberto's must've given me a parasite warrior worm immune to my stomach acid or something...

I'm going to visit the Gilbert Mormon temple today. First and last I'll see inside. Sorry fellow tourists, I had a been & cheese burro from Filiberto's (left over from yesterday too). I think they have a change of clothes there if I need it ;o)  I read that there are 140 of these temples worldwide. It's crazy when you compare Mormonism with Judaism and their similarities with the law (saving yourself) and having sacred temples.
I can't help but think of these verses when I think about their temple:
1 Corinthians 3:16-17         
Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20   
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
Acts 17:24     
The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.
Acts 7:48-50
Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made by hands, as the prophet says, "Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool.What kind of house will you build for me, says the Lord, or what is the place of my rest? Did not my hand make all these things?"

I'm in search, or on the lookout for (if you will) for some good BBQ chips. Surprisingly, the best BBQ flavour goes to Pop Chips for a bold and somewhat spicy flavour. I won't try Lay's because it's too greasy and there isn't enough bite to the chip that you can disinigrate in your mouth with just your tongue. I've tried Andy Capp's BBQ fries from the gas station but they also lack bite and the flavour isn't strong enough to beat the Pop Chips. I'm currently munching on Pringles BBQ, but the flavour is almost nonexistant.

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sleep Walking with Salt Deposits

Holy salt bags! I literally finished running 22 miles about 7 hours ago. My legs feel like they are constantly cramping now. Oh no, feels like the alien is in my belly, as I write this my abs are twitching. I'm so glad this is as far as I go in my training. I sweat like an old man trying to climb a flight of stairs ;o) You gotta love the salt deposits left behind. I wonder if I scrape the deposits off my clothing and face if I can reuse it on my food? Or would it taste like piss?
Yes, I was pretty miserable when this pic was taken. Took me 3hrs 33min.

On to other things! Sean and Lacie have sleep walking. It's really quite comical. Every other night or so Sean will come out of his room, find us and jump up and down while holding his crotch. The first couple of times this happened he would ask permission to go pee. Now as we hear him walking up to us all we say is, "Go pee" and we hear him say, "Okay" and he turns around and does his thing. Lacie is a different story. She'll come out of her room and hang out with us but not reply to any of our questions. She'll finally go back to bed when we lead her by the hand. If you don't lead her by the hand and take her back to her room she doesn't know where to go and she'll start to cry.

Rachael and I were introduced to a really funny prank on youTube to promote a movie called, Devil Baby Prank. We thought it was absolutely hilarious! Now, my dear old Dad thought it was humorous, but nothing to really laugh about. He thinks it's a generational thing. He might be right. So if you're an old fart, don't waste your time.

I'm thinking of becoming a writer, but I fear I'm just too creative... I might blow up too many minds or have some kind of cult following. The world doesn't need more people trying to be like me.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

What HAPPened?

I can't believe it's been almost 2 years since I've graced you with my glorious words!

I love the way my fingers smell after I eat at a BBQ place. I sit back down in front of my computer and put hand on my chin to think and what do I catch a whiff of? Awesome BBQ!

Let's see... what happened after March 2012? Who knows... that was too long ago! I can tell you I stopped the blog and other things probably because I started training so massively hard for my triathlons. I bought a bike in March and took off from there. Since then I've raced in two sprints, an Olympic, and the Leadman triathlons. I'm hoping to do the half iron man this Oct, but that's for another post. Right now, I'm training my butt off for the Phoenix marathon Mar 1st. 26.2 Baby! Oh yeah, the world didn't end in Dec '12 either, so there's that... moving on to 2013.

2013 was a fantastic year! Rach and I got to know our Chilean neighbor Christian and his American wife Karla. They have been such a blessing to us helping us out, inviting us to their cabin and letting me play absurd amounts of ping pong in their backyard. I'd like to say that I dominate like a wild bore charging a squirrel, but Christian's got some weird Chilean ju-ju that manages to beat me. Lookout! I'm closing the gap. Rachael started her new job in Aug at our Church, Mission Community in the marriage dept. Added pressure! Don't screw up your marriage Joe! Lacie and Austin turned 5 and started kindergarten. They love it because of all the games and easy assignments. Wait until college little ones! We went on a week long vacation (in June I think) to San Diego to Sea World, the zoo, the zoo saphari, and the beach. It was fun and crazy to go so many places all in a week. About a month later we went up to Christian and Karla's cabin and had a great time! Jim, Karla's dad taught us all that it really wasn't a big deal to pickup those squirmy little crawdads... Sean turned 7 and had so much fun at his backyard party with the tent (with the big screen inside) and a fire pit going for s'mores. For Christmas we got them all their Razor scooters which I think is the only present left that isn't broken/lost or lost their interest. Sean finished his 3rd season of soccer. Lacie finished her first and didn't like it and probably will not do it again. Austin finished his second and loved it!

This year is going to be a blast! I hope... not much has happened yet, but it better be or my posts are going to suck.

Let's look at how I might age in the coming years...

First I'll get fat and grow a mustache

Then I'm going to get concerned and lose a little weight, but in the process lose my hair
Then finally I'm going to lose my lips, get a bunch of wrinkles, and keep the mustache. But I never get gray hair!
Let's look at the kids to date to see some funny pics...

I can't remember what he did to his nose here. I think it's marker.

Austin decided a stamp all over his face would be fun...

Halloween. My two favorite girls!
I know there should be a lot more for me to write because I missed two years, but really? I just don't think my fingers can handle anymore.