Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I was sitting down eating dinner with the fam and a holy bolt of lightning crashed down breaking the table in half! No, not really. That'd be cool to see though. When dinner was finished and we were cleaning up, my wife told my 3 year old boy to go play and it hit me like the bolt of lightning mentioned earlier that at this age before school takes over his life he is almost forced (more encouraged) to play. Have fun stay out of the way type thing. I guess this is just to say that I was jealous. I’m still limping around on my knee wondering when I’ll be able to walk normal again! It’s starting to really annoy me walking around with a straight left leg. I’m pretty sure it’s a LCL injury, but can’t say for sure unless I see a doc. I played hide and seek with my kids yesterday and had tons of fun! Sean has grasped the concept of taking turns hiding while the other seeks, but he has yet to master the art of stealth while hiding. He gets so riled up he lets out squeals of excitement and will give you 10 seconds to find him before he finds you.

So what’s with everybody suing Toyota!!! What's with this class-action lawsuit that says everybody is owed $1000 just because the resale value of their car went down!? Suffering succotash Batman! I've always wanted to spit in Batman’s face for calling himself a super hero when he doesn't have any "abilities". Anyway, it's like the ripple affect right, one thing affects another? The lawyers and wonderful citizens of America should realize that if Toyota has to pay out the billions to cover the lawsuit our economy will suffer even more! The $1000 will have to last you as long as it takes to find another job because your previous employer had to lay you off!

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