Friday, March 12, 2010

Lacie and Me

First of all, this dog freaks me out! I saw it surfing the net and couldn't get past how it was staring at me! It looks like a human wearing a mask hiding behind some white fur. It also looks high to me! I actually found the dog surfing at this site... very very funny site.

So Lacie, my little girl, the diva that she is inadvertently dressed herself and posed like a rock star! I love this pic! I had a really big battle with her last night though... Probably my first real lesson with her. She wanted more juice and I was happy to give her more but she needed to say please first. Sean and Oz learned the same thing. I know she knows how to say please, I've heard it! She knows how to sign it too. I was also giving her the option to sign it to me. Holy snapped guitar string! She was soooo stubborn and would not say it! I quickly found myself in a situation where I really wanted to give her juice, but I also wanted to stick to my guns so she'd know I wouldn't give in. Thankfully it was bed time, so I just put her to bed. She never got her juice. I know what you're all thinking! I'm a big meanie! That's fine because I know she'll listen to me instead of growing up and becoming a crack addict.

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