Saturday, May 15, 2010

Calling All Farmers, Please Give Me a Tan

Holy Molly! I just spent the entire morning getting a burn on my neck doing crappy landscaping work on my front yard! I think I must be watering things too much because everything is growing a million miles an hour! You'll have to start calling me Pedro if I keep up all this type of work. I thought about doing all the work outside shirtless because my body is an awesome blessing to whoever lays eyes on it, but you know, I don't want skin cancer... so I'm good with a farmers tan I guess.

 And no, this isn't my arm... this is merely a portrayal of what I've got going on. You'd know it if it was my arm. It literally punch you in the face!

Luckily for me I have totally cool brother-in-laws to help me out with house stuff because my stupid sprinkler system console broke on me. They helped me put a new one in and now it works great! I won't lie, they did most of the work. I'm really glad they could help me out on such short notice. I'm pretty certain I was over watering every plant and under watering our grass. My stress level is much lower now knowing I have that done.

Poor Rach had a hard time this morning and afternoon with the kids. I guess the way they were all treating her she felt like she was a sub-class human. My words, not hers. Anyway, she also had a big battle with Sean trying to get him to put his pants on for nap time. The biggest obstacle right now is Lacie. Whenever she sees Mommy she clings like a baby koala to its mother. It's crazy! Or if Sean and Oz enter the room where Lacie and Mommy are having some time alone she'll get real territorial real quick with Mommy. She's definitely entering the terrible two's throwing temper tantrums. We are thinking about going out and buying a sweet pool for the backyard for the summer. I'm thinking something that is fairly big but is no deeper than a couple of feet.

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