Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Graduate

So Sun chips have a bag made out of plants so it can be biodegradable. Does this mean I can eat the bag too? It makes me sad to think that a bag full of chips that gets lost would slowly leave the chips inside vulnerable and completely exposed.

So I was trying to turn on the propane tank last night and pinched my finger somehow. At this very moment I still can't feel the tip of my index finger. Totally numb! Like someone chopped it off! Except not, because I'm using it to type right now. Maybe I have the beginning onsets of HSAN!

I had the honor of watching Sean sing some songs while graduating from preschool yesterday.
Just graduated from 3 to 4's I guess... he's still in preschool.

  He did really well, but at one point he was the only one with his back turned. I'm sure he was just bored. He got an award for being able to make anything using any house-hold item. An ingenuity award if you will. Oz was a handful because he hasn't been feeling well. He got super attached to me because I was home all day yesterday with him. I tried to leave the house this morning for work but he would throw a huge fit each time he saw me leaving. While he was eating his breakfast I was like a ninja escaping his still developing ninja vision.

Old school Italians say that if its that time of the month for you (a.k.a period) you better not make anything with red sauce! You might spoil the tomatoes! Crazy! That grosses me out!
After watching this, I couldn't help but think about the homemade commercial Rach, Katie, and Julie made regarding the many uses of tampons.

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