Friday, June 11, 2010

Ice-Cream, You scream, We All...

Holy Geeeez! Don't ever get Virgin Mobile if you plan on cancelling your account with them in your lifetime! Rach spent over an hour and a half trying to just get transferred to the right dept. She finally gave up. They kept dropping her call 6 straight times every time they tried to transfer her. So the male in me said, I can fix this. I got dropped 4 times before I had the a manager transfer me and got me through to the right department. No where on their website is there a place to cancel, and the automated guy, Alex of whom I became good friends with, did not have a disable service option. Took up my whole night Wed, I was ticked! I wanted to shoot my potato gun at every help desk person I got through to.

On a lighter note. We decided that hearing Sean say, "Tomorrow, ice-cream and gym". Had gone on long enough without actually giving him ice-cream. So we went to Golden Spoon. We usually go to the gym first then ice-cream, that's why he says gym. I know, I know, a bit counter productive, but what can you do when you have kids? Last night we decided to skip the gym and just go straight to the good stuff. It was crazy that Sean really did want to go to the gym first and threw a little fit about it. What kid would rather go to the gym than have ice-cream? He's going to be an All-Star I know it! Nevertheless, we all had a fun time. Last night was the first time since Lacie was a baby that Mommy was able to comb her hair without her completely freaking out. It helped that she was playing with a fun toy, but still, pretty cool.

Rach and I, are trying to plan a vacation get-away. We've thought about Rocky Point and just going north for the weekend just the two of us. It's hard planning something you only get to do once a year. You really want to make sure you do it right. Unfortunately, it also raises your expectations for the entire experience. I guess those who only get the mattress mambo once a year must feel the same...

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