Monday, April 5, 2010

13 Easter Apostles

Eaaaster Eaaster Bobeester Banana-nana Fo Feaster Me My Mo Measter EASTER! Why does the celebration have to stop?! Because I would faint from exhaustion with all those kids! We made it through the craziness that is kids on Saturday. We had something like 13 kids.
At one point they all got out of control and started some riot that required me to break out my riot shield and gas mask as they proceeded to reach into there diapers and flinging there holy poo! No, not really, but I don't think the real riot police could handle that!

I had a great time! Thanks to Rach for getting everybody to come and setting everything up! I was tasked with taking pictures, hiding eggs while the kids decorated the cookies, and cooking up the food. I've never cooked on my little grill for more than just me and the wife, so it was nice to have Chris and Billy there to help out. Oh btw, we were the only husbands there... Some of the best burgers I've ever had! Besides the big icing messes from decorating the cookies and the bubbles spilled on the patio everything went smoothly. I'm pretty sure Rach would agree.  Until next time... I must go now and pump the iron to get the rippage I desire!

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