Friday, April 2, 2010

Kid-Tested, Mother Approved

So let's understand something first. I'm working diligently at work as usual, and all of a sudden, like a holy dragon from the sky, my account gets locked out! I'm limited, working at 50%, unacceptable! This is no good so I call the support people in India to help me unlock my account. Stay with me here. In my line of work I have administrative rights to do many things: get into privileged work websites, different test domains, testing new OS image releases etc... So why am I calling some support person in India who's possibly been working for the company for less than 6 months to unlock/screw with my account?! Makes no sense!

Yes, we are still trying to get ready for the party tomorrow morning. Rach is at the store while Grandma Sher is at home with the kids... I'll refrain from saying anything, moving on... So like yesterday I'll be spending most of my day/night tonight trimming bushes and cleaning up with my blower. We bought a picnic bench to help with sitting while eating in the backyard, that plus it's totally cool, or super cute Rach would say. Let me see if I can dig up a pic...
Oh yes, here it is...
I haven't tried sitting on it yet, so for all we know it's kid-tested and mother approved! Sean's still in his pajamas in the pic. He loves his football footie "jj's".  I wonder what he'll do when he sees Oz wearing them a couple years from now? Hopefully his sharing abilities will have improved. Sean's been watching a lot Monsters vs Aliens lately. A good movie if you haven't seen it! Hail Gallaxar!

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